

Published by Penso
Sep 19th 2009, 8:52pm

I've had patellar tendonitis for close to a year now, and it just doesn't seem to go away.  I've rested for the whole summer and did absolutely no training, but it just doesn't want to go away.  I would ice it everyday, massage and elevate it, but still, nothing.


I also used to take these "flex-a-min" pills that supposedly helped with joint pain/tendon pain, but those didn't help + they were huge pills to swallow.


Since I've been in college now, I've been going to the gym almost everyday doing warmups on the exercise bikes, and stretching well before any light weight lifting.

I hear that you should strengthen the muscles around the knee area so I've been doing calf/toe raises, leg press, leg curls (hamstrings), etc.  [with light weight so I don't aggravate the knee].


I'm going to be getting some whey protein and this stuff called "Super Cissus RX" pretty soon.  Protein helps with rebuilding/strengthening tendons + I don't get enough protein in my diet so that's why I'm getting the whey protein.


The Super Cissus RX is supposed to help with joint, ligament, and tendon pain + I've seen many positive reviews on it, so it's worth a shot in my book. I just really want to diminish my knee pain as much as possible so that I can enjoy high jumping again.  I'll see how these two supplements go.

I've also been doing a lot more upper body work than I've ever done.  Triceps and Abs on Tuesdays, Back and Biceps on Thursdays, and Shoulders/forearms for Saturday.


Sunday is my rest day.

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